Marketing Trends and Advice from Focus7

5 Really Important Practices for Web Designers

Written by Milda Rowlinson | Aug 1, 2017 1:22:00 PM

Anyone looking to call themselves a web design guru needs to see what’s already working so well for other businesses. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little influence! Here are 5 really important web practices to help your website flourish:


  1. Put your logo in the top left
    Having the logo in the top left corner is the norm in the website world. Where often breaking the rules can be the best way to make yourself truly unique as a designer, more often than not you’ll have to consider what the world is used to. People like to be able to identify that they’re visiting the right place quickly, so stick your logo in the top left to avoid confusion.


  1. Don’t forget your search box
    If your website is bringing a lot of supplies or services to the masses, many visitors will be wanting to find what they’re looking for, and find it fast. A simple search box on the home page will see them swiftly to what they’re looking for, without the hassle of trawling through your many different pages. Make it easy for them and they won’t need to look elsewhere.


  1. Don’t cram everything in
    If you’re working on a blogs feature on your site, don’t have all the blogs presented in full; a wall of never ending text doesn’t make for appetising looking web design. Instead, display the title, an opening paragraph and an image to go along with it, and offer a ‘continue reading’ link. It not only makes the blog more enticing to read, it enables easier scrolling through everything else that’s been posted. It’s all about making the visit a welcoming experience and not a chore.


  1. Put Call To Actions High up
    It’s extremely important to keep your website visually pleasing, but it’s worth remembering that people aren’t coming to visit your website for the design, they’re looking for something. Put your most important calls to action high up; it makes it easier for potential customers to find what they’re looking for, and they’ll remember where it is if they get busy examining the rest of your home page first.


  1. Put your social media icons in the footer
    Social media is a must-use tool for encouraging loyalty from your customers; failing to offer them an easy link to your Facebook would certainly be a missed opportunity. And with 72% of websites already having this feature, you wouldn’t be doing your business any favours by disregarding it.


Every designer wants to create a great experience for future visitors; the trick is knowing what’s pleasing to the eye, and what will send your audience fleeing to your competitors. If you can create an easy journey for your customers, you’ve succeeded.


If you’d like advice on how to create a website that will make a bigger impact on your profitability, get in touch with our experts on 01462 262020 or