Marketing Trends and Advice from Focus7

4 Terrifying Web Fears and How You Can Overcome Them

Written by Milda Rowlinson | Oct 31, 2017 11:14:13 AM

Reader beware… you’re in for a scare – If you’ve got a website, that is. Wherever there’s a website to be made or redesigned, there’s a potential web of misdirection, doubts and mistakes to get stuck into. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Here are 5 terrifying web fears… and how you can overcome them.


Fear 1: “It’s too much money to redesign!”


It’s a forgivable fear – as a small business, the decision to part with any considerable sum of money shouldn’t be taken lightly. If your website is underperforming, however, it’s incredibly important to take a fresh look at it. Your website isn’t just a way for your audience to reach your services: it’s the face of your brand. An outdated, poorly designed and difficult to navigate website will give a poor impression, and could see your prospects looking elsewhere for a better experience. It’s a fear you’ll have to tackle head on.


Fear 2: “People visit the site, but they’re not staying!”


If you’re experiencing a high bounce rate, it could be for several reasons. One significant cause of high bounce rates is a website not optimised for mobile and tablet use, making it near impossible to use on these devices. People are using their phones to browse the web more than ever before – so you need to ensure your site isn’t a nightmare to handle from a smaller screen.


Fear 3:I don’t know what’s working and what isn’t!”  


If you don’t know which posts are achieving the most success on your website (or what kind of posts are usually ignored) you won’t know to prioritise them in future. Using Google Analytics is a fantastic way to see where you’ve seen the most success. For example, you’ll be able to see which were your most highly viewed blog posts in any given time, and gain an understanding of what your visitors prefer.


Fear 4: “My competitors’ websites are better!”


Your competitors may well have user friendly websites that bring them success, but there is always room for improvement. One of the advantages of having a professional designer working on your website is their eye for flaws – your competitor may well have a great website, but yours has the potential to be better if you and your designer recognise how to beat it.


The path to a fear-free website is often a rocky one for small businesses, and you’ll probably run into trouble if you go it alone. But with the help of a great designer and access to the right tools, there’s no reason why you can’t banish your web terrors and give your competitors something to be scared about instead.


Focus7 have a team of website professionals equipped with the knowledge and experience to erase all your website fears. If you’d like some no obligation advice, call the Focus7 team on 01462 262020