It’s another Beatles song title!
Last week, it was Valentine’s Day and our focus was “All You Need is Love.” This week, as we progress through the rebuild phase of the recession, our focus is in an...
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Last week, it was Valentine’s Day and our focus was “All You Need is Love.” This week, as we progress through the rebuild phase of the recession, our focus is in an...
How positive are you feeling?
Wouldn’t it be great if someone could categorically tell all of us business owners and entrepreneurs when everything is going to get better, when everything is going to go back to normal, then we would know there was an end in sight and everything would be okay! Imagine that …
I’ve almost given up on watching the news, discussing politics and reading articles on how the impact of the pandemic will deliver a devastating recession. Yep, tick, got that! I know nothing will be the same, I know I wasn’t ready personally or professionally to be plunged into this crisis and like so many others, my way of life and business have taken a hit.