4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Environmentally Friendly

The state of the environment has become increasingly concerning in recent years. Studies are constantly produced warning of health problems caused by diesel emissions, and businesses are constantly being prompted to take a sustainable approach to everything they do. There are some welcome added advantages to saving the planet, however; here’s 4 reasons why your business should be environmentally friendly.


1. Your market will respect you

A recent poll has shown that 64% of 2,045 UK citizens agreed that climate change is happening and mainly caused by human activity. There can be no doubt that public concern is growing; people will hugely favour a business who considers minimising their impact on the environment a priority.


2.  You can save money

As an SME, bills are never received with open arms. By making an effort to ensure everything is turned off when it’s not needed, using a fan over air conditioning, recycling and reducing your printing, you can significantly reduce your costs and your environmental impact simultaneously. You can also claim tax allowances when you buy energy efficient, or low or zero-carbon technology for your business, reducing the amount of tax you pay.


3. You’ll find networking easier

Like-minded organisations like to do business with each other. Recognising shared values goes a long way in encouraging a business to partner with you, and depending on the nature of your relationship, you could help each other increase sustainability.


4. Your working environment will be healthier

Using eco-friendly cleaning products are a great way to keep your office healthier whilst lowering your environmental impact. Using non-carcinogenic, reduced CO2 products will simultaneously ensure a healthier workplace and reduce environmental sustainability.


Taking action to be a more environmentally friendly organisation doesn’t have to be difficult, and it can help you reach more clients and businesses, save money and even increase the wellbeing of your workforce. Yet the greatest benefit remains the same; you’ll reduce your environmental impact, and influence others to do the same.

Focus7 International work with eco-conscious businesses that provide services ranging from sustainable, naturally sourced skincare products to zero emissions office services supply. If you uphold similar values and would like to gain some marketing advice from us, don’t hesitate to contact the Focus7 team on 01462 262020 or email hello@focus7int.com

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