5 Easy Ways to Share Your Brand’s Story
Every brand has a story to tell but, as a business owner, you’re probably more focused on selling and generating leads than you are on sharing your story. That’s where you’re missing out! By nature as a species that evolved to share knowledge through the spoken word, we exchange stories with others every day, and marketing should be no different. However, it’s important to not confuse telling your brand’s story found on the ‘about’ page of your website, with sharing your brand’s story through every campaign and interaction you have with your customers. It’s the latter that’s really going to make a difference to your marketing.
Here are 5 easy ways to share your brand’s story and make it known:
Through your website
Whenever a new or existing customer wants to find out more about how you are as a brand, and what you do, the first place they’ll visit is your website. Therefore, it needs to convey what your story is, but not necessarily in the form of a long written piece of text. To encourage visitors to stay on your webpage for longer, think outside of the box when it comes to sharing your story. For example, video and visual elements are great at attracting and holding attention.
Your content
Unlike your website, which highlights the products or services your offer, it’s the pieces of content you create that really delve into why you do what you do. For example, email campaigns, newsletters, blog posts or any form of marketing collateral, all help to create an impression of who you are as a brand and what you can offer your customers. In his TED talk ‘How great leaders inspire action’; Simon Sineck states that ‘people don’t buy what you; they buy why you do it’ because they too have share the same belief. Therefore, instead of simply shouting about your products and services in your campaigns, focus on the ‘why’ first.
Your design
Many people think that to share a story, you have to tell it through words, but that’s not necessarily true. With design, you can visually communicate what your brand’s story is about through use of colour, imagery, form and structure, as well as evoke emotion and a connection with your audience. Design is part of your brand’s overall identity, and so every element should reflect your brand’s story.
Your social media channels
The great thing about sharing your brand’s story through social media is that you don’t have to be the one to do so – your customers do that for you. As many online users share their experience or recommendations of brands on their social channels, any time your brand is mentioned, or talked about through your customers eyes, it’s adding to your brand story. Therefore, it’s important to provide excellent customer service at all times.
And your interaction
Any time you interact with your customers, prospective customers or the public, it’s important to share your brand’s story. This could be through the way you present yourself at an event, the level of customer service you offer, how you show customer value, and also how you make your audience feel. Everything you do, say or act, creates a lasting impressing on your audience, so be the brand they want to return to time and time again! Apple is a great example of a brand whose audience always returns because they practice what they believe, and that creates trust.
Sharing your brand’s story is not as simple as telling it once, never to return to it. Instead, it’s a continuous process that never ends – because new chapters are always being added.
For more advice on how you can share your brand’s story, why not call our team for on 01462 262020 for a no obligation chat. Or, simply email us at hello@focus7int.com