Give your brand a leg up
Ok, confession time. Here at Focus7 it’s true to say that we’re obsessed with brand – and with good reason.
Isn’t the circle of life wonderful? To a new generation of business people, print is now a novelty… and as we in the marketing industry know, there’s nothing like freshness and uniqueness to grab people’s attention.
If you get branding right, it has the power to create the relationships to push an organisation forward, take advantage of every opportunity and prepare your ‘today’ business for tomorrow.
If your branding says one thing and your internal and external stakeholders think you do something else, well, you’ll be spending a lot of time scratching your head wondering what’s going on as the opportunities pass you by.
So do you fancy putting your brand to the test like we did?
Introducing the BoB ladder exercise.
This is a great way to define who you really are. Through following the prompts, you will identify your business’s hidden assets, which will help your internal and external communications, while also giving structure to your push-pull messages, so that everyone is clear on what your main products/services are and why they are so great, as well as identify and define your business’s competitive edge.
So is your brand really working for you?
We’ve partnered with experts in the Business of Brand, BoB, to enhance our expertise and strategic offering. We are entering a really exciting era – full of innovation – and the level of growth that will come with it is unprecedented. As many of us are getting our plans ready to take on 2020, it’s a good time for a bit of self-reflection.
Here at Focus7 we jumped on the BoB ladder as well, ensuring that every person – not just the directors and senior staff – was given the opportunity to define who we are, how we can make the most of our unique brand personality, and where we have opportunities to grow in the future.