Focus7 Blog

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News (2)

Imagine if we could time travel …

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could categorically tell all of us business owners and entrepreneurs when everything is going to get better, when everything is going to go back to normal, then we would know there was an end in sight and everything would be okay! Imagine that … 

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A view on key traits for the best Marketing

This morning I attended Mark Ritson’s mini MBA ‘The twelve traits of great Marketeers’.  If you’ve not read Marketing Week you may not have heard of him, however many will have.  He is their Virtual Marketing Professor, with super credentials, and a leading authority on Marketing and Brand (to give him a plug). And his columns and LinkedIn posts are certainly never dull! This morning’s webinar was a very enjoyable experience too.

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Diversity and inclusion matters

There has been so much talk over the last few weeks about Diversity and Inclusion as the Black Lives Matter campaign has been so impactful and present on our news and social media feeds. You will have noticed that many larger companies, and certainly USA based companies, have made a statement supporting the BLM movement. But what can we do as Small and Medium Enterprises within the UK to show our support when it really matters?

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The pressure of perception – our view of mental health awareness

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week right now (May 13-19) and we at Focus7 have been putting our heads together to think up ways of marking it appropriately. The conversations have been fascinating, and we’ve shared lots of insights that have both surprised us; and inspired us to support each other more fully in the weeks and months ahead.

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