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social media

5 Reasons to Use Video Marketing in B2B

In 2017, 87% of online marketers used video content. One-third of online activity is also spent watching video, showing just how popular this form of content is, but many B2B businesses have no idea where to start when it comes to producing video content. Whilst videos created by B2C businesses are experimental and creative, there is no reason as to why your B2B business can’t produce the same, as long as your message is clear and informative. Here are 5 reasons to use video marketing in your B2B business:

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Top 10 Social Media Tips for Improving Your Brands Customer Relationships

Managing your social media channels is like being in a committed relationship. It takes time, patience, effort and most importantly, great communication skills to be successful. Without putting in the hard work, you won’t see the results – but building relationships doesn’t have to be difficult, or laborious. Here are our 10 top tips for improving your brand and customer relationships:

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5 Reasons to Up Your Social Media Game

As every business, big and small alike, knows, social media is becoming an extremely useful and important tool for growth. The future is digital and without an active presence online, your business will fall behind. So, if  you haven’t sent a tweet or Facebook post for a while, it’s time to blow away the dust and get back in the race. Here are five reasons why you need to up your social media game today.

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