In B2B marketing, brand means business more than ever
We’ve been banging on for years about the need to approach B2B marketing with the same verve and creative energy displayed by the best practitioners of B2C. We believe that just because someone is at work, doesn’t mean they stop being human. Or stop having the same emotional responses to thoughtful, well-targeted, intelligent brand communication as they do at home.
Thankfully, it seems that the business marketing industry is finally coming around to our way of thinking. The tried and trusted approach to consumer marketing – based on brand-building awareness and storytelling – is really hitting the spot in B2B circles. It’s perfectly in tune with our #BrandMeansBusiness philosophy here at Focus7. We drive business growth for our B2B clients with a truly brand-led approach.
Just listen to what the chair of the DMA’s B2B Council Richard Robinson, has to say here. In this timely Marketing Week article, industry gurus line-up to expound the virtues of brand marketing for B2B.
Richard himself says:
“B2B companies will reach more customers and encourage them to keep coming back if they build brand awareness as well as trust. B2B brands are beginning to spend a larger proportion of their marketing budgets and resources on building relationships.”
The article makes a really valid point when it says that B2B marketers need to become more confident about sharing their stories and differentiating themselves. Again, we couldn’t agree more. Our #BrandMeansBusiness workshops are geared to defining the driving purpose of a business – and establishing what makes it different and yes, better, than competitors. Then we can get on with the task of consistently communicating that brand difference through engaging and persuasive storytelling. That’s the way we build growth for our clients.
Another great truism is that people buy from people – which is why our workshop also explores the potential for B2P (Business to People) marketing. We know that both personal relationships and emotion play a huge role in business decision making. Our approach examines the ‘personal brand’ of our client and the best way to connect it to the motivations, values and vision of his or her customers.
Fascinating stuff isn’t it? It’s what gets us up in the morning and it’s what could guide your journey to improved business performance. If you’d like to discuss what a Focus7 #BrandMeansBusiness workshop could do for your business, email or talk to one of the team on 01462 262020.