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brand development

“It’s not me, it’s you. I don’t love you anymore.” A cautionary Valentine’s message for brand owners everywhere.

Love is in the air, everywhere we look around. Harangued hubbies are discovering that all the restaurants are already fully booked, supermarkets are selling limp red roses flown in on lumbering freight liners from Kenya’s Great Rift Valley (yes, really) and marketers are going all gooey with their copycat social media posts.

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6 Easy Ways to Build Your Brand Online As a Start-Up

As a start-up business, your priority is most likely to drive sales, increase profit and generate new leads. However, whilst this is important in order to become a successful business, it is just as crucial to invest in your brand, especially online, to increase your opportunities and reach out to new business. Building your brand online does takes time, and it’s likely you won’t see results overnight, but if you get it right, the results will be worth it. Here are 6 easy ways to build your brand online:

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6 Reasons Why Photography Matters to Your Brand

Visual communication is important in any business, and it’s what really helps to sell a service or product. For that reason, photography is becoming more and more important, especially when marketing your brand. Research has shown that visuals can increase your audience’s willingness to continue reading your content by 80%, so here are 6 other reasons why photography matters:

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