Focus7 Blog

In B2B marketing, brand means business more than ever

We’ve been banging on for years about the need to approach B2B marketing with the same verve and creative energy displayed by the best practitioners of B2C. We believe that just because someone is at work, doesn’t mean they stop being human. Or stop having the same emotional responses to thoughtful, well-targeted, intelligent brand communication as they do at home.

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The pressure of perception – our view of mental health awareness

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week right now (May 13-19) and we at Focus7 have been putting our heads together to think up ways of marking it appropriately. The conversations have been fascinating, and we’ve shared lots of insights that have both surprised us; and inspired us to support each other more fully in the weeks and months ahead.

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“It’s not me, it’s you. I don’t love you anymore.” A cautionary Valentine’s message for brand owners everywhere.

Love is in the air, everywhere we look around. Harangued hubbies are discovering that all the restaurants are already fully booked, supermarkets are selling limp red roses flown in on lumbering freight liners from Kenya’s Great Rift Valley (yes, really) and marketers are going all gooey with their copycat social media posts.

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New Year, Old You: Why Your Brand Needs Evolution not Revolution

The second the clock strikes midnight, and the tipsy voices singing Auld Lang Syne have quieted, the cries of ‘New Year, new me!’ and declarations of resolutions begin. It’s very tempting as a brand to take it as an opportunity to tear out the old and bring in the new, but (even though we’re a brand agency so you’d be forgiven for thinking we’d recommend it) it’s not time to throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet.

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