Focus7 Blog

Posts by:

Milda Rowlinson

4 Tips on Staying Productive This Winter

As the days get shorter, it can become increasingly difficult to wake up feeling motivated, without wanting to curl up and hibernate for the rest of the day. The lack of daylight not only affects our physical wellbeing, but it also our emotional and mental wellbeing. In order to stay productive throughout winter, here are four tips to get you on your way to completing that daunting to-do list.

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3 Business Qualities We Can Learn from Veterans

Every year on the 11th November, we take a moment to remember those who have fallen, and those who are currently devoting their time to the Armed Forces. We remember their courage, their dedication and their sacrifice for the safety of future generations. There are many skills and qualities we could all learn to adopt from Veterans, but here are the three most important lessons we can apply to our working life.

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4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Environmentally Friendly

The state of the environment has become increasingly concerning in recent years. Studies are constantly produced warning of health problems caused by diesel emissions, and businesses are constantly being prompted to take a sustainable approach to everything they do. There are some welcome added advantages to saving the planet, however; here’s 4 reasons why your business should be environmentally friendly.

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