Focus7 Blog

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Milda Rowlinson

5 Things that Make Your Stationery Design Unforgettable

Every time you receive a business card at an exhibition or a letter from a business in the post, you’re presented with another opportunity to judge them – positively or negatively. That’s why your corporate stationery design is more important than many people realise.

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How to Create a Brand Logo Design that Beats Your Competitors

There are so many things to consider when creating a memorable logo, especially as they have such a major impact on how customers perceive brands. Imagine a world with no logos, and how difficult it would be to distinguish between different brands! Creating a brand logo design that knocks your customers off their feet is important to help differentiate you.

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5 Reasons a Good Corporate Logo Can Make All the Difference to your Business

Every business needs a logo – without one, a brand lacks visual identity; there’s no ‘face’ to the name. For example, where would the McDonald’s be without its signature golden arches? The logo is instantly recognisable, even from miles away, and is used to tie the franchise model together.  

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6 Reasons Why Direct Mail Isn’t Dead

In today’s digitally-focused world of instant gratification, you could be forgiven for thinking that the time for ‘snail mail’ has passed. An often expensive medium, direct mail sometimes doesn’t seem worth the time and effort – but as any good marketer knows, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It just all depends on how you do it.

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5 Tips for Developing Successful Integrated Marketing Communications

Want to present one unified proposition across your entire marketing mix, thereby driving genuine engagement and sales? Developing successful integrated marketing communications might sound like tricky business, but the key to developing a strategy that works is understanding the difference between multiple marketing channels and truly integrated communications.

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What Your Business Plan Structure Should Look Like

Writing a business plan can be very daunting, especially if you have no idea where to start, or what to include. Whilst there are many ways to approach writing and presenting your business plan, there are a number of elements that should be included as standard: an executive summary, a description of your product or service, a marketing model, an operations plan, a financial plan, and a review of your industry.

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