Focus7 Blog

6 Easy Ways to Build Your Brand Online As a Start-Up

As a start-up business, your priority is most likely to drive sales, increase profit and generate new leads. However, whilst this is important in order to become a successful business, it is just as crucial to invest in your brand, especially online, to increase your opportunities and reach out to new business. Building your brand online does takes time, and it’s likely you won’t see results overnight, but if you get it right, the results will be worth it. Here are 6 easy ways to build your brand online:

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6 Reasons Why Photography Matters to Your Brand

Visual communication is important in any business, and it’s what really helps to sell a service or product. For that reason, photography is becoming more and more important, especially when marketing your brand. Research has shown that visuals can increase your audience’s willingness to continue reading your content by 80%, so here are 6 other reasons why photography matters:

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Top 10 Social Media Tips for Improving Your Brands Customer Relationships

Managing your social media channels is like being in a committed relationship. It takes time, patience, effort and most importantly, great communication skills to be successful. Without putting in the hard work, you won’t see the results – but building relationships doesn’t have to be difficult, or laborious. Here are our 10 top tips for improving your brand and customer relationships:

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4 Tips for Creating Campaigns That Deliver

Coming up with ideas for campaigns can be difficult. It’s not as simple as choosing a theme or idea and running with it – there is so much you have to consider. Before finalising your campaign brief, it’s important you take into account your budget, what you want the campaign to achieve, what your message is, who your audience are, and exactly what form your campaign will take. Here are four tips for helping you to create campaigns that deliver:

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5 Marketing Trends to Look Out For This Year

With a brand New Year ahead, comes brand new, growing marketing trends. For your business to stay ahead of the ever-changing trends, it is important to remain aware of any new legislations, or influences that could impact your marketing. Here are our top five marketing trends to look out for this year:

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How the Grinch Stole Business

When it comes to business, there is a thing or two we could learn from Dr Seuss’s Christmas classic character, the Grinch. Although not the most likely role model, what with his plan to sabotage the festive holiday and his refusal to follow rules, there is no denying that many of his qualities would go a long way in business. Here are 5 ways the Grinch stole business:

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5 Storytelling Tips to Enhance your Content Marketing

Have you ever wondered what makes for killer content marketing? The answer is simple – tell a story. Storytelling is an extremely effective way to engage with your audience, make an impact and stand out from the crowd. Storytelling isn’t always easy, and it doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but by adhering to these simple rules, you’ll be churning out content in no time.

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4 Tips For Staying Motivated This Christmas Season

The Christmas season is a time to celebrate and spread festive cheer throughout the workplace. However, with only a few short weeks until the big day, and with so many things to get done, many of us feel overwhelmed and deflated. Fortunately, there are a few things we can do to improve our work ethic and survive the Christmas season.

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