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Creative (2)

5 Reasons a Good Corporate Logo Can Make All the Difference to your Business

Every business needs a logo – without one, a brand lacks visual identity; there’s no ‘face’ to the name. For example, where would the McDonald’s be without its signature golden arches? The logo is instantly recognisable, even from miles away, and is used to tie the franchise model together.  

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6 Reasons Why Direct Mail Isn’t Dead

In today’s digitally-focused world of instant gratification, you could be forgiven for thinking that the time for ‘snail mail’ has passed. An often expensive medium, direct mail sometimes doesn’t seem worth the time and effort – but as any good marketer knows, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It just all depends on how you do it.

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5 Tips for Developing Successful Integrated Marketing Communications

Want to present one unified proposition across your entire marketing mix, thereby driving genuine engagement and sales? Developing successful integrated marketing communications might sound like tricky business, but the key to developing a strategy that works is understanding the difference between multiple marketing channels and truly integrated communications.

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The Benefits of Infusionsoft to any SME

As a small to medium sized business owner or senior stakeholder, you’re probably juggling multiple tasks – and most likely plenty of those tasks are things you’d rather not be spending your valuable time on. Infusionsoft CRM can save you time and hassle, allowing you to focus on the things that matter rather than being consumed by daily tasks. Marketing plays a massive role in growing your business, but it can be very time consuming, which is why Infusionsoft eliminates your worries by doing the majority of the work for you.

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