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Creative (4)

5 Reasons to Use Video Marketing in B2B

In 2017, 87% of online marketers used video content. One-third of online activity is also spent watching video, showing just how popular this form of content is, but many B2B businesses have no idea where to start when it comes to producing video content. Whilst videos created by B2C businesses are experimental and creative, there is no reason as to why your B2B business can’t produce the same, as long as your message is clear and informative. Here are 5 reasons to use video marketing in your B2B business:

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6 Reasons Why Photography Matters to Your Brand

Visual communication is important in any business, and it’s what really helps to sell a service or product. For that reason, photography is becoming more and more important, especially when marketing your brand. Research has shown that visuals can increase your audience’s willingness to continue reading your content by 80%, so here are 6 other reasons why photography matters:

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4 Tips for Creating Campaigns That Deliver

Coming up with ideas for campaigns can be difficult. It’s not as simple as choosing a theme or idea and running with it – there is so much you have to consider. Before finalising your campaign brief, it’s important you take into account your budget, what you want the campaign to achieve, what your message is, who your audience are, and exactly what form your campaign will take. Here are four tips for helping you to create campaigns that deliver:

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5 Marketing Trends to Look Out For This Year

With a brand New Year ahead, comes brand new, growing marketing trends. For your business to stay ahead of the ever-changing trends, it is important to remain aware of any new legislations, or influences that could impact your marketing. Here are our top five marketing trends to look out for this year:

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5 Storytelling Tips to Enhance your Content Marketing

Have you ever wondered what makes for killer content marketing? The answer is simple – tell a story. Storytelling is an extremely effective way to engage with your audience, make an impact and stand out from the crowd. Storytelling isn’t always easy, and it doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but by adhering to these simple rules, you’ll be churning out content in no time.

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5 Copy Mistakes That Keep Your Marketing From Flourishing

Creating engaging content isn’t a gift writers are born with; even talented writers struggle when they first take their skills to marketing. Blog posts, email campaigns and websites all demand a developed knowledge of how and how not to sell when it comes to creating their copy. Here are 5 copy mistakes that’s keeping your marketing from flourishing.

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‘Content Block’ and How You Can Overcome it

Anyone who has run a blog (be it for themselves or a company) can attest to the fact that sometimes the gears just grind to a halt. No matter what the theme is, sometimes you just find yourself staring at a blank Word document, your eyes slowly beginning to water. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, if you find yourself in this position, stop. You can overcome this blogstacle. You just need a change of tactics.

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