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Strategy (2)

GDPR is Here: Are You Taking Action Yet?

With GDPR about to hit this Friday, there’s no excuse to not be taking steps towards compliance. Failure to do so will now result in hefty fines, but don’t panic: as long as you can demonstrate that you’re moving towards compliance, the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) are more likely to be lenient.

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‘Apprenticeships Work’: Why Apprenticeships Should Be Celebrated

One of the hottest debates taking place within the education sector is whether too many school leavers go to university. According to UCAS, there has been a significant rise in school leavers attending university, with a record number of 18 years olds staying in education, compared to those venturing into the workplace. However, with new alternative career opportunities, such as apprenticeships, university might not always be the best option depending on the individual.

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5 Ways Mindfulness Can Improve Your Work Performance

Mindfulness is a growing trend for good reason. As we learn more about what makes for a healthier, happier working environment, many of us are looking for ways to improve our work-life balance and make the most out of our days. The greatest thing about mindfulness is that it can be practiced anywhere, any time, for as long as you want – you make the rules. So, if you’re thinking of jumping on the mindfulness bandwagon, here are 5 ways that it can help improve your work performance:

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6 Easy Ways to Build Your Brand Online As a Start-Up

As a start-up business, your priority is most likely to drive sales, increase profit and generate new leads. However, whilst this is important in order to become a successful business, it is just as crucial to invest in your brand, especially online, to increase your opportunities and reach out to new business. Building your brand online does takes time, and it’s likely you won’t see results overnight, but if you get it right, the results will be worth it. Here are 6 easy ways to build your brand online:

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How the Grinch Stole Business

When it comes to business, there is a thing or two we could learn from Dr Seuss’s Christmas classic character, the Grinch. Although not the most likely role model, what with his plan to sabotage the festive holiday and his refusal to follow rules, there is no denying that many of his qualities would go a long way in business. Here are 5 ways the Grinch stole business:

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